Article 26.3a of the School Code states, “The clerk or secretary of the school board of all school districts shall furnish quarterly on the first school day of October, January, April and July to the regional superintendent a list of pupils, excluding transferees, who have been expelled or have withdrawn or who have left school and have been removed from the regular attendance rolls during the period of time school was in regular session from the time of the previous quarterly report.”
It is important that you follow-up to determine the whereabouts of students that are no longer enrolled in your school to the best of your ability. The Illinois compulsory attendance law (Section 26-1 et seq. of the School Code) requires that whoever has custody or control of any child between the ages of 7 and 17 years shall cause such child to attend public school or a private, parochial school where children are taught the branches of education taught to children of corresponding age and grade in the public schools.
For consistency we are requiring all districts to use this form, which can be downloaded from Quarterly Report.
The data from individual schools should be compiled and ONE COMBINED LIST from your district submitted. It is important that you indicate your district number and name on your report before submitting it to the ROE. The completed report is to be sent to the attention of Raquel Wadsworth at the ROE so that it reaches this office within two weeks of the reporting dates of October 1, January 1, April 1 and July 1. The report due on October 1 should include the names of students who finished last school year but did not enroll in the fall, except for transferees. The date of removal for those students should be the first day of school. Please check the appropriate reason for each student listed.
We have listed the headings of the categories and the information needed for each heading below:
Please note that Ethnic Code represents the same codes reported on the Illinois School Report Card.
01=American Indian or Alaskan Native
02=Asian/Pacific Islander
03=Black or African American
Drop out/Withdrawal over 17 – This field should only be marked if the student is over 17 allowing him/her to legally leave school.
Moved-No new address – This field is only for students you know have moved but have no information on where they have moved.
Withdrawal NRR (Explain) – This field is for students who have withdrawn for reasons other than moving but No Records have been Requested. This includes Parent Requested Withdrawal. (Complete *Explanation Column )
Moved out of state/country – This is for students that have moved out of state or country.
Expulsion – This is for students who have been expelled (Complete *Explanation Column. Please state the duration of expulsion and if an alternative program is being offered.)
Possible Homeless-No Contact – This column is for students that you think may be or know are homeless, please provide as much information on these students as possible, if you need to use the ‘Other’ column for information do so.
Court Action – This field is for any court decision that has decided to remove the student from school. (Complete Explanation Column)
Home Schooling – This field is for any student that you have been notified is being home schooled.
Enrolled-Never Attended – The family had enrolled the child, however, he/she never attended.
Explanation – This field may include students who have moved within the state, you have an address, but no records have been requested. Please include all information available. This field may also be used for extra space to explain any of the previous fields that includes an *.
If there are no pupils to report, please indicate “NONE” and forward. Please remember, transferees, whose records have been requested, are not to be listed on this report. Please attach the District Quarterly Report electronically and forward to