On Wednesday, April 10, the DuPage Regional Office of Education’s Linda Downey and Marjory Lewe-Brady were among those recognized during the Illinois Association of School Administrators (IASA), DuPage County Region, Recognition and Awards Breakfast. The annual event invites school administrators to recognize individuals who have made a tremendous and lasting impact to the success of education in DuPage County during their careers and within the given school year.
The DuPage Regional Office of Education selected to recognize school principal, Linda Downey and volunteer, Marjory Lewe-Brady.
Linda Downey is the principal at Partners for Success, the DuPage Country Regional Office of Education’s alternative school program. Linda has a long and established career working with students who are at most risk. Her dedication, passion and never giving up on any student has been an example for parents and staff members to mirror. She retires this year leaving a legacy as a leader with a vision, courage and integrity.
Marjory is a volunteer with the DuPage School Safety Task Force and DuPage ROE/YWCA DuPage Early Childhood Collaboration (DECC). With her leadership, time and expertise in these two major county initiatives, Marjory looks beyond herself and always to the greater good.
The DuPage Country Regional Office of Education was proud to be part of the IASA Awards Breakfast in honoring these two amazing women along with the rest of the recipients during the event. It was a powerful representation of the great work going on behind the scenes in education in DuPage County.
Photo: Assistant Regional Superintendent of Operations, Dr. Michael Robey, award recipient, Marjory Lewe-Brady, Regional Superintendent of DuPage County Schools, Dr. Darlene Ruscitti and award recipient, Linda Downey at the IASA Recognition and Awards Breakfast on April 10, 2019.